
rabbits have good taste

Just doing my randomly-once-in-a-while feedbacks on Etsy and discovered this customer appreciation photo! SO cute! I've got a big soft spot for rabbits, I think they are underrated.
And this photo reminds me of a recent purchase which is also bunny related, these shoes from Em and Sprout (I also got this sailor tshirt from her).

And no I won't be wearing it with my bunny top as that might be over doing it !
I know how you are meant to calm-it as you age-it and being no spring chicken anymore I should be looking at more mature clothing (blue rinse anyone?) but yeah whatever I like these things too much to deny myself them and I figure that I look young (I think!) so get away with it (I hope) and who wants to be another cookie cutter 20 something year old anyway?


Kim W. said...

aww cute!! what a fashion forward rabbit!

Unknown said...

My boyfriend has a big house rabbit called Phillip but I haven't met him yet!

Littleclouds said...

I love house rabbits, they are the huge ones aren't they? like the size of cats!

boy with a pet bunny called Philip...adorable !

Unknown said...

Very very cuuuute rabbit!

Anonymous said...

Your site is so much fun! I love rabbits and have a bunny at home named Ban Ki-moon (yes, for the UN Secretary-General). She is very curious, follow me around the house, checks on me 24-7, and is just very, extremely, and extraordinarily fluffy! Thanks for your updates! This is her picture: http://epaper.bjnews.com.cn/html/2010-11/29/content_174800.htm?div=-1


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