
the power of the internet (it is very powerful)

So this morning I googled Littleclouds in the image section to see if any of my stuff would show up instead of photos of little clouds and it did! My airplane posties did twice, the first was from a blog (suburbanpenpal) that had featured them which I didn't know about (yeah good job Google Analytics, nice one) which lead me to find some really cool stuff like this


Which took me a while to figure out because I forget that Americans have to buy health insurance (crazy!) but what really struck me was the packaging! I use this type of tracing style paper myself to wrap stuff up but never thought to do anything pretty to it, I think its so clever!
Its cheap, simple, recyclable, easy to biodegrade & easy to change & customise, this is my kind of packaging.


Anonymous said...

I should google my shop in images, see what comes up! I freakin' adore that "you had me at health insurance" piece. Ha ha! So perfect!

I love tracing paper and vellum. Used it a lot in some design courses I took. It's wonderful stuff indeed :)

相處 said...

Lets cross the bridge when we come to it........................................

ejorpin said...

I so love owlyshaddowpuppets stuff - I bought this one awhile ago and gave it to my husband to give to me!!!


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